Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

During Passover, a matchmaker has to pick up (literally) whatever gig he can.

This is like the opposite of the $10 lemonade joke. ("All I have to do is sell one.") He'd make better money if there were a matchmaking gig to be had, but there isn't, so matzoh is also good.

March 20, 1914: It's not such a great distance from carrying out a match to carrying matzoh.
  1. Moyshe Motl: Well, Reb Gimpel Beynish, this isn't a very happy situation for Passover, eh? Nobody to speak with about a match.
  2. Moyshe Motl: Nevertheless, of course, because it's Passover I know a way to make some money.
  3. GB: Is that so? Really, I can earn something? Naturally, just let me arrange a couple of matches.
  4. Moyshe Motl: It's right here where one can earn. Carry out these matzohs. You'll get 35 cents a day, with a horseradish sandwich.
  5. Gimpel Beynish: So I'll carry matzoh. It's not as easy as carrying out matches, but there's more matzoh.

פֿון אױספֿיהרען אַ שידוך ביז צוטראָגען מצות איז ניט אַזאַ װײַטער מהלך

משה מאָטעל: װעלל, ר׳ גימפּעל בײניש, עס איז ניט אַזױ פֿרעהליך פֿאַר פּסח, האַ? ניטאָ צו װעמען צו רעדען.
משה מאָטעל: פֿון דעסטװעגען, דוקא, װײַל עס איז פֿאַר פּסח װײס איך װיא צו מאַכען געלד.
גימפּעל בײניש: אַזױ? טאַקע, איך קען פֿערדיענען? אַדרבה, לאָז מיך נאָר צו צו אַ פּאָר שידוכים.
משה מאָטעל: אָט דאָ קען מען פֿאַרדיענען. טראָגט אױס מצות. אהר קריגט 35 צענט אַ טאָג מיט אַ כרײן סענדװיטש.
גימפּעל בײניש: זאָל זײַן טראָגען מצות. ניט אַזױ לײַכט װיא צו פֿיהרען אַ שידוך, אָבער עס איז מעהר מצות.

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