Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Just because she's eager, that doesn't mean she wouldn't be a good wife. 4-23-1914

So after one brief moment of acknowledging that America had just gone to war, it's back to business as usual on the back page of Warheit. I would guess that Zagat had turned in a few strips early!

I note that in panel 4, this is the first time goyim (non-Jews) have also been called upon for assistance.

April 23, 1914: Breaking plates doesn't necessarily mean the match is sealed.
  1. Mirke: So the match is made. I'll go prepare plates.
  2. GB: Jake, she has all the virtues and...
  3. Mirke: Mazel tov, a happy hour, let's kiss.
  4. Jake: Police! Murder! Gevald, Jews, goyim, help!
  5. Mirke: Where's he running to? What a swindler!

4-23-1914 ברעכען טעלער הײסט נאָך משמעות ניט, אַז דער שידוך איז געשלאָסען.

מירקע: דאָס רעדט ער מיר דעם שידוך. איך געה אָנגרײטען טעלער.
גימפּעל בײניש: דזשײק, זיא איז מיט אַלע מעלות און…
מירקע: מזל טובֿ, זאָל זײַן אין אַ גוטער שעה. לאָמיר זיך צוקושען.
דזשײק: פּאָליס! מױרדער! געװאַלד, אידען, גױם – ראַטעװעט!!
מירקע: װאָס-זשע איז ער ענגלאָפֿען? אַזאַ שװינדלער!


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