Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Victoriano Huerta offers Gimpel the presidence of Mexico 5-22-1914

Victoriano Huerta was president of Mexico while Gimpel was getting shot at during the American invasion of Vera Cruz. Attacked by the Federal Army under Pancho Villa, he was forced to resign July 15, 1914. He helped the Germans in WWI and died after a night in a U.S. prison in January 1916. Poisoning was suspected.

In the third frame Huerta calls Gimpel "Reb Korev." In the fourth frame, "a job from job-land" references Gimpel's highest praise of a bride, that she's a "bride from bride-land."

May 22, 1914: His wishes were granted, but still he isn't very happy.
  1. GB: So what do I do now? There is no end to my poverty.
  2. GB: These couple of pennies here are my whole earnings. Where can one get a job?
  3. Huerta: What are you saying, my dear relative? You want a job? Don't be embarrassed.
  4. Huerta: I have a job for you, really a job from job-land.
  5. Huerta: Take my job as President of Mexico, it will suit you well.

זײַן בקשת װערט ערפֿילט, נאָר זעהר גליקליך איז ער נאָך אַלץ ניט.

גיפּעל בײניש: נו, װאָס טהוט מען װײַטער? עס נעהמט גאָר ניט קײן סוף צו מײַן דלות.
גיפּעל בײניש: אָט דיא פּאָאר סענט זײַנען מײַן גאַנצער פֿאַרמעגען. װאו נעהמט מען אַ דזשאַב?
הוערטאַ: װאָס זאָגט איהר, ר׳ קרובֿ? איהר װילט אַ דזשאַב? סעהמט זיך ניט.
הוערטאַ: איך האָב פֿאַר אײַך אַ דזשאַב, אָבער טאַקע פֿון דזשאַבען לאַנד.
הוערטאַ: נעהמט מײַן דזשאַב אַלס פּרעזידענט פֿון מעקסיקאָ, זאָל אײַך װאױל בעקומען.



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