Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

An uprising of the sacrificial chickens of 1914 9-26-1914, 9-27-1914, 9-28-1914

Rosh Hashanah was over and it was time for Yom Kippur 1914. A fine opportunity for Sam Zagat to draw chickens, which he did wonderfully well.

September 26, 1914: His boys can't even earn a mitzvah.
  1. GB: Take this, lads, carry the tallis into shul for me. Earn at least a little bit of a mitzvah.
  2. Notke: I'll betcha there's candy in here. Let's take it away from him and have a look.
  3. ...
  4. GB: Bring me the tallis quickly, my loafers. The praying has already begun.
  5. GB: Police! Murder! Fire! The loafers kidnapped my tallis!

September 27, 1914: Probably he'll swing the sacrificial chicken like all Jews.
  1. GB: See, Jake, I've provided myself with a sacrificial chicken. One should always provide for the future.
  2. GB: How about you? Why don't you think about the future? Obey me, I have a bride for you who...
  3. Jake: Watch out, Mister Matchmaker, your chicken is rising up in rebellion. You could, God forbid, be stuck with all your sins.
  4. GB: Hush! Don't bother me now. Can't you see I'm in the middle of business?
  5. GB: Come here, Jake - chicken, I mean. I need you for Yom Kippur, you loaferish rooster.

September 28, 1914: These days even the roosters are too outspoken.
  1. Quickly, lads, bring me the rooster, I'll swing the sacrificial chicken with you.
  2. Come, my jewel, I'll do a tango dance and send you to the butcher.
  3. Say, what kind of monkey business are you pulling with me? I'm Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker.
  4. Oy gevald! I feel like a bomb from a zeppelin is falling on me. Police!
  5. Oy, "for the sin we have sinned against You..." -- Master of the Universe, take pity and make him go away.

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