Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Snow and whiskey. 1-3-1915, 1-4-1915

Sledding, sliding: perennial topics for Gimpel cartoons during the winter.

Matchmaking and boozing: a perennial pairing in Yiddish literature and occasionally in the Gimpel Yiddish cartoons.

In the second strip there is a nice assortment of Yinglishisms. I like that she is visiting the "shkheyne nekst dor" and that her dad has made of their "parlor a bauri lodzhing hoyz." (Bowery lodging house).

January 3, 1915: It's fair to say he must transport this on his head because of the loafers.

January 4, 1915: He was far from getting a fee, but he didn't leave with nothing.
  1. Her Father: Wait here, both of you, please. I'll go call her over, she's next door at the neighbor's.
  2. GB: What do my eyes see? A bottle of whiskey! We should make a l'chaim while we wait.
  3. GB: Tell me again, little Jake: l'chaim. How many glasses have we had?
  4. Suzy: What's this, Papa? You make our parlor into a Bowery lodging house?
  5. Her Father's Foot: ...

שײַך צו זאָגען װאָס ער מוז דאָס איבערטראָגען אױף זײַן קאָפּ דורך דיא לאופֿערס.

צו אַ פֿאַרדיענסטעל האַלט עס װײַט, אָבער מיט לעדיגען איז ער ניט אַװעק.

איהר פֿאָטער: װאַרט דאָ בײדע, פּליעז, איך געה זי אַרױסרופֿען. זי איז בײַ אַ שכנה נעקסט דאָר.
גימפּעל בײניש: װאָס זעהן מײַנע אױגען? אַ פֿלעשעל משקה! מען דאַרף דערװײַל מאַכען לחײם.
גימפּעל בײניש: זאָג-זשע נאָך אַ מאָל, דזשײקעלע – לחײם. בײַ װיפֿיעלסטען גלעזעל האַלטען מיר?
סוזי: װאָס איז דאָס, פּאַפּאַ? האָסט געמאַכט פֿון אונזער פּאַרלאָר אַ באַוערי לאָדזשינג הױז!
איהר פֿאָטער׳ס פֿוס: …

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