Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Monday, December 18, 2017

In which a cat appears and Gimpel is disappointed. 3-4-1915

Some cute Yinglish here: He tells the "expressman" to come "in front rum." Grandly (in anticipation of his inheritance) he gives the delivery man five dollars (a huge amount of money back then) and says he doesn't need any "tshendzsh" - "Ikh ken aforden."

You didn't really think he was going to get something good, did you?

March 4, 1915: So what then, can anything respectable come from a German?
  1. This is the inheritance. Come closer, Mister Expressman. Bring it into the front room.
  2. Here's five dollars, keep the change. I can afford it.
  3. So here lies the pot of gold. Who'd have guessed she'd leave me an inheritance!
  4. It seems even an old German lady has a Jewish heart, also a little...
  5. Gevald, who is this cat? They say the Germans are really anti-semites.

װאָס דען, פֿון דײַטשען קען עפּעס קומען לײַטישעס?

דאָס איז דיא ירושה. קומט נעהנטער, מיסטער עקספּרעסמאַן. קומט אין פֿראָנט רום דערמיט.
דאָ האָט איהר פֿינף דאָלאַר. מען דאַרף ניט קײן טשענדזש. איך קען אַפֿאָרדען.
אָט דאָ ליעגט דיא מאַטניאַ. געה ריכט זי אַז זיא זאָל מיר לאָזען ירושה!
משמעות אַז אַפֿילו אַן אַלטע דײַטשקע האָט אױך אַ אידישע האַרץ. אױך אַ שטי…
גװאַלד, װער איז דיא קאַץ? מען זאָגט טאַקע אַז דיא דײַטשען זײַנען אַנטיסעמיטען.

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