Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

More automobile misery, and political cartoon: Japan and China at war behind America's back 3-11-1915

March 11, 1915: What Uncle Sam foresees now
Figures: China and Japan. Right: European war. Caption:
Japan's "hold-up" of China, while America is busy paying attention to whether the warring lands will impede American business.

March 11, 1915: The end of this story wouldn't have been romantic even for a younger man than he.
  1. Come on, Suzy, get in, we'll take a ride and I'll tell you about him.
  2. What do you think about my automobile? A regular fiddle. For me it flies like a submarine.
  3. Why has it suddenly stopped, my good little automobile? Does he think it's the Sabbath already?
  4. I'll have to push him until we get to some people. Sit ,sit, my passenger.
  5. ...

דיא ענדע פֿון דיזער געשיכטע װאָלט ניט געװען ראָמאַנטיש אַפֿילו פֿאַר אַ יונגערען װיא ער.

קאָם אָן, סוזי, זעץ זיך אַרײַן, מיר װעלען פֿאָהרען און איך װעל דיר דערצעהלען װער ער איז.
װאָס זאָגסטו אױף מײַן אַױטאָמאָביל? אַ רעגעלע פֿידעלע. בײַ מיר פֿליהט ער װי אַ סאָבמאַרין.
װאָס האָט ער זיך פּלוצלינג אָבגעשטעלט, מײַן קשר׳ער אוטאָמאָביל? אזױ פֿריה איז שױן בײַ איהם שבת?
מען דאַרף איהם שטופּען ביז מיר װעלען צוקומען צװישען מענשען, זיץ, זיץ, מײַן פּאַרשױן.


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