Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A world of lunatics, a world of clowns. 4-27-1914

I think this is still the editor's own voice speaking: that war is lunacy. However, this was a dangerous stance for new immigrants when war is declared. Sometimes comic book characters (and puppets) can say things actual people can't get away with.

April 27, 1914: So really, what's going to become of him?
  1. Just look how he's lost in his newspaper. An important thing, the papers, blockhead, idiot!
  2. Another clown with a newspaper. A world of lunatics, I swear. A world of clowns!
  3. It doesn't end. And everybody's going over there. I have to go too.
  4. I have to follow them and see what angry uproar has come upon the young men.
  5. Sh'ma Yisrael! They're all becoming soldiers! Gevald, what will happen to my business?

טאַקע װאָס װעט איצט װערען פֿון איהם?

זעה נאָר װיא ער איז פֿאַרטיעפֿט אין פּײפּער. אַ װיכטיגע זאַך, די פּײפּערס, שוטה, טיפּוש!
נאָך אַ לץ מיט אַ פּײפּער. אַ װעלט מיט משוגעים, װיא איך בין אַ מענש. אַ װעלט מיט לצים!
עס נעהמט גאָר קײן סוף ניט. און אַלע געהן זײ אַהין. דאָ מוז עפּעס זײַן.
איך מוז נאָכגעהן און זעהן װאָס עס איז אַזאַ בײזע מהומה אױף דיא בחורים.
שמע ישראל! זײ װערען אַלע סאָלדאַטען! גװאַלד, װאָס װעט װערען פֿון מײַן פּרנסה?



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