Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Friday, December 11, 2015

William Jennings Bryan gives Gimpel a certificate. 4-29-1914

William Jennings Bryan, who ran for president three times and lost, was Secretary of State when this comic strip ran, and so the proper person to give Gimpel a certificate permitting him to make matches in Mexico.

The logic was comic I suppose: Gimpel went running after the bachelors, who'd gone to war, but the potential brides were all back home.

April 29, 1914: He travels to Washington and opens a new field for his business.
  1. In short, there's a war on and that's all there is to it One has to figure out what to do.
  2. If the boys are running off to war, one should run after them.
  3. I have to have a talk with Bryan and get a permit from him.
  4. Yes, Mr. Bryan, I want a license to arrange marriages in the war.
  5. This is all right. Even in Washington people know Gimpel Beynish.

פֿאָהרט קײן װאַשינגטאָנ און עפֿענט זיך אַ נײַעם פֿעלד פֿאַר זײַנע ביזנעס.

הכּלל, עס איז מלחמה און אַ סוף. מען דאַרף זיך אַן עצה געבען.
אַז דיא בחורים אַנטלױפֿען אין מלחמה, דאַרף מען זײ האָכלױפֿען.
איך מוז אַ שמועס טהוען מיט ברײַען׳ען און קריגען אַ כּתבֿ פֿון איהם.
יאָ. מיסטער ברײַען איך װיל אַ לײַסענס צו פֿיהרען שידוכים אין דער מלחמה.
עס איז אָלל-רײַט. גימפּעל בײניש׳ן קען מען אַפֿילו אין װאַשינגטאָן אױך.



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