Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

"Bullets like watermelons!" Continued travails atop a World War I submarine 10-27-1914

Gimpel's ingenuous admiration of these wartime novelties may have take a bit of the edge off his readers' anxiety. "Oy, vos di goyim kenen oysklern!"

October 27, 1914: He seeks out the flavor of the war on a very large scale.
  1. Eee, what the goyim can think up! A ship under water!
  2. What's this? Again a ship with guns like chimneys.
  3. Hey, friends, watch out - a big ship with chimneys is coming.
  4. Say, why were you distracted and why did you leave me out here?
  5. May they be shot in the head! Look at this - bullets like watermelons.

ער פֿאַרזוכט דעם טעם פֿון מלחמה אױף גאָר אַ גרױסער אופֿן.

אי, אי, װאָס דיא גױם קענען אױסקלערען! אַ שיף אונטער׳ן װאַסער!
װאָס איז דאָס? װיעדער אַ שיפֿ מיט ביקסען װיא דיא קױמענעס.
העי, חבֿרה, היט זיך דיא בײנער! אַ גרױסע שיף מיט קױמענעס קומט.
סעי, װאָס האָט איהר זיך פֿאַרמאַכט און מיך לאָזט איהר אין דרױסען?
שיסען זאָל אײַך אין קאָפּ! זעה נאָר – קױלען װיא דיא װאַטערמעלאָנס.

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