Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

A rare glimpse of happiness! But, alas, not for Gimpel. 12-1-1014

We've come into December, the last month I've already done the work for (it closes out Volume II of the Gimpel books). Soon I'm going to have to start cleaning up and translating again! If you visit this blog it would be a kindness to leave me a comment. Some day there are only 17 visitors according to Google, and some of those are robots. It would be nice to know some actual humans were appreciating this work.

You can take it from me, there are not many Gimpel cartoons portraying happy marriages. So enjoy this one (which elliptically includes a sideswipe at the war).

December 1, 1914: A mistake can be made, but there won't be any business from it.
  1. GB: A man sits and reads about the war. An important business. One takes such dear young men and kills them.
  2. Mr. Butshik: What did you say, young men? If you don't know my young man, you can't talk about young men.
  3. GB: Sure I have time for such things. If you have such a fine boy I need to have a look at him.
  4. GB: Yes, I want to see your boy, after all don't know who I am? I have for him a ...
  5. Mr. Butshik: well, what do you say about my young man? Rothschild will wait a long time before he has one this good.

אַ טעות קען זיך מאַכען, אָבער קײן ביזנעס דערפֿון איז ניטאָ.

גימפּעל בײניש: זיצט אַ מענש און לעזט װעגען מלחמה. אַ װיכטיגער עסק. מען נעהמט אַזעלכע טהײַערע בחורים און מען הרג׳עט זײ.
מר. בוטשיק: װאָס האָט איהר געזאָגט בחורים? אַז איהר קענט ניט מײַן בחור׳ל, טאָהרט איהר פֿון בחורים ניט רעדען.
גימפּעל בײניש: שור, האָב איך צײַט אױף אַזעלכע זאַכען. אַז איהר האָט אַזאַ פֿײַנעם באָי מוז איך איהם אָנקוקען.
גימפּעל בײניש: יאָ, איך װיל זעהן אײַער באָי, װאָרום איהר װײסט װער איך בין? איך האָב פֿאַר איהם אַ…
מר. בוטשיק: נו, װאָס זאָגט איהר אױף מײַן בהור׳ל? ראָטשילד װעט לאַנג װאַרטען ביז ער װעט האָבען אַזעלכען.

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