Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Monday, August 22, 2016

In Europe, Nikolai flees Franz Josef and Wilhelm. On the Lower East Side, bachelors continue to eschew unlovely spinsters. 12-19-1914

December 19, 1914: "And Nikolai fled"

In the distance: Franz Josef and Wilhelm stand on Pshemishl, Krakow, and Lodz; In the foreground: Nicholas flees. On his broken leg: Tannenberg*
Franz Josef: Goodbye, Nikolai, don't be offended.
Wilhelm: Where are you running in this manner, Nicholas? What's your hurry?

* The Battle of Tannenberg (26-30 August 1914) resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian Second Army ... It brought high prestige to Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and his rising staff-officer Erich Ludendorff.

December 19, 1914: When trouble is destined, it can come without the loafers.
  1. Motke: Yes, our Dad is here - he's sitting over there with a lady.
  2. GB: He's one in a million, a corker. Furthermore, he's educated, you know!
  3. Notke: Here's Dad and here's the lady. Should I...
  4. Jake: Take this quarter and be quiet until I get out of here.
  5. Motke and Notke: The man said you can keep your merchandise.

אַז עס איז באַשערט אַ קרה קען זיא קומען אָהן לױפֿערס.

מאָטקע: יעס, דער פּאַפּאַ איז דאָ. אָט זיצט ער דאָרט מיט אַ לײדי.
גימפּעל בײניש: עס איז שױן אײנמאָל אַ יונג. אַ ברען. הײַנט געבילדעט, יו נו!
נאָטקע: אָט איז דער פּאַפּאַ און אָט איז דיא לײדי. זאָל איך…
דזשײק: נאַט אײַך אַ קװאָדער און שװײַגט ביז איך װעל זיך אָפּטראָגען.
מאָטקע און נאָטקע: דער מאַן האָט בעזאָגט אַז דו מעגסט זיך האַלטען מיט דער סחורה.

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