Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

He trades a bride for a not very good cigar. 12-27-1914

The Gimpel Beynish illustrator, Sam Zagat, always depicted himself with a cigarette, surrounded with a cloud of smoke. He suffered some terrible cancer of the face or jaw in his middle years and became more or less a recluse afterwards. He always depicts politicians with cigars.

Note the English words thank you,  lawyer: דענקיו לאָיער

December 27, 1914: He'd have to be a total lawyer to elude all troubles.
  1. GB: Thank you, Jake, in exchange I'll give you a bride you would never have dreamed of.
  2. Jake: Sure it's a fine cigar. You'll soon see what a rich aroma the smoke has.
  3. GB: She's as beautiful as a princess, she's as rich as Rockefeller's daughter, and further, she plays piano.
  4. GB: What is this swinish smoke the cigar is giving off? And a disgusting smell.
  5. Policeman: Don't you know it's a crime to let out a foul smoke in New York?

ער װאָלט בעדאַרפֿט זײַן אַ גאַנצער לאָיער אױסצומײַדען אַלע צרות.

גימפּעל בײניש: דענקיו, דזשײק; דערפֿאַר װעל איך דיר געבען אַ כּלה װאָס האָט זיך דיר אפֿילו ניט גע׳חלומ׳ט.
דזשײק: שור, איז עס אַ פֿײַנער סיגאַר. איהר׳ט באַלד זעהן װאָס פֿאַר אַ רױך עס װעט פֿון איהם באַלד אַרױס.
גימפּעל בײניש: זיא איז שעהן װיא אַ בת מלכּה, רײַך איז זיא װיא ראָקעפֿעלער׳ס טאָכטער. הײַנט שפּיעלט זיא פּיאַנאָ.
גימפּעל בײניש: װאָס איז דאָס פֿאַר אַ חזיר׳שער רױך װיס דער סיגאַר לאָזט אַרױס. הײַנט אַזאַ פּאַסקודנע גערוך.
פּאָליסמען: װײסט איהר ניט אַז עס איז אַ פֿאַרברעכען אַרױסצולאָזען אַ ניט-שמעקעדיגען רױך אין ניואָרק?

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