Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

New World Amusements (ice skates) 12-26-1914

Gimpel appears not to even notice they have strapped blades onto their shoes. I wonder where they were skating, on the Lower East Side?

December 26, 1914: What for another is pleasure is trouble for him.
  1. Motke: Father's coming, but he can't skate, so we don't have to worry.
  2. GB: What's this, loafers? I'll buy you shoes and you'll wear them out?
  3. GB: Ha, you're such scamps, too? You run away? I'll ...
  4. GB: ...
  5. GB: I'd like to know why they don't fall down when they run on the ice.

װאָס פֿאַר אַנדערע איז פּלעזשור איז פֿאַר איהם צרות.

מאָטקע: דער פּאַפּאַ געהט, נאָר ער קען ניט סקעיטען, דאַרפֿען מיר, ניט מורא האָבען.
גימפּעל בײניש: װאָס איז דאָס לױפֿערס? איך׳ל אײַך קױפֿען שיך און איהר׳ט זײ אױסרײבען?
גימפּעל בײניש: האַ, איהר זײַט נאָך שקצים אױך? איהר אַנטלױפֿט גאָר? איך װעל אײַך…
גימפּעל בײניש: …
גימפּעל בײניש: איך װאָלט געװען אַ בעלן צו װיסען פֿאַרװאָס פֿאַלען זײ ניט װען זײ לױפֿען אױפֿ׳ן אײַז.

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