Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

12-29-1914: Don't be too quick to call your new fiancee a chicken.

So Jake here is slangy and Americanized. He's too quick to be chummy with her and this displeases the potential bride, she feels disrespected. So he asks Gimpel, why did you find me a lady rabbi? (Ie too stiff and proper.)

It's going like elektri - electricity I guess. enstendig is an unusual word. Loafer is not spelled as it usually is (loyfer).

December 29, 1914: It's also not so great when the bridegroom is too hasty.
  1. GB: This is him, Suzy. Pleased to meet you - Mister Jake. He is all right.
  2. Jake [in English]: Hello, kid! Say, you are a swell chicken, you are -- or my name isn't Jake.
  3. GB: This is going gangbusters for him, I see myself with a matchmaking fee pronto.
  4. Suzy: Loafer, I'll show you how to be fresh with a respectable girl.
  5. Jake: Swindler, highwayman! Who asked you to find me a rebetsin?

אַז דער חתן איז צו האַסטיג איז אױך ניט אַזאַ מעלה.

גימפּעל בײניש: דאָס איז ער, סוזי. פּליז-טו-מיטשו – מיסטער דזשײק. ער איז אָלל-רײַט.
דזשײק: העללאָ, קיד! סעי, יו אַר ע סװעל טשיקען, יו אַר – װיא מײַן נאָמען איז דזשײק.
גימפּעל בײניש: בײַ איהם געהט עס װיא מיט עלעקטרי; איך זעה זיך באַלד מיט שדכנות-געלד.
סוזי: לאָופֿער, איך׳ל דיר װײַזען װי צו זײַן פֿרעש מיט אַנ ענסטענדיגע מײדעל.
דזשײק: שװינדלער, ראַזבאָיניק! װער האָט אײַך געבעטען איהר זאָלט מיר רײדען אַ רבי׳צען?

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