Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Gimpel discovers the pros and cons of chewing gum. 2-20-1915

Gimpel knows the "great Torah" of tshuing-gom but when it ends up on his face he calls it khazeray (treyf, piggy-ness)

February 20, 1915: When you go looking for trouble, you find it.
  1. GB: What's this, loafer? Maybe you're gobbling something unclean?
  2. Notke: It's chewing gum. Try a piece, Papa.
  3. GB: Now I know the trick too. Quite complicated.
  4. GB: What's this? How do I get rid of it?
  5. GB: Loafer, save me from your swinery.

אַז מען זוכט צרות, געפֿינט מען.

גימפּעל בײניש: װאָס איז דאָס, לױפֿער? אפֿשר פֿרעסטו גאָר טרפֿות?
נאָטקע: עס איז טשואינג-גאָם. פֿאַרזוך אױך אַ שטיקעל, פּאַפּאַ.
גימפּעל בײניש: אָט קען איך אױך דעם קונץ. אַ גרױסע תּורה.
גימפּעל בײניש: װאָס איז דאָס? װי אַזײַ טשעפּעט מען זיך אָפּ?
גימפּעל בײניש: לױפֿער, ראַטעװע מיך אַרױס פֿון דײַן חזיר׳ײַ.

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