Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Gimpel's distrust of lawyers is unwarranted in this case (perhaps) 3-2-1915

It wasn't often that a Gimpel cartoon set up an expectation for the next day like this! What can it be that this lawyer is offering? Stay tuned!

March 2, 1915: His prospects are shining but we'll have to see what is in store.
  1. Jake: You're Gimpel Beynish? I've been looking for you. A lawyer sent me...
  2. GB: A lawyer? Feh! Leave me alone, mister. I hate lawyers.
  3. GB: Oh well, give it here. I won't try getting away from you.
  4. Jake: You're worrying for nothing. The lawyer has something for you, something good.
  5. GB: Hurrah! Finally there's a lawyer with something to give me.

דיא אױסזיכטען זײנען גאַנץ גלענצענד פֿאַר איהם, אָבער מען דאַרף זעהן װאָס װײַטער װעט זײַן.

דזשײק: איהר זײַט גימפעל בײניש? אײַך זוך איך. אַ לאָיער האָט מיך צו אײַך גע…
גימפעל בײניש: אַ לאָיער? פֿע! לאָזט מיך אָפ, ר׳ איד. לאָיערס האָב איך פֿײַנט.
גימפעל בײניש: נאָר, מילא, גיט אַהער. איך׳ל זיך דאָך פֿון אײַך שױן ניט אױסדרעהן.
דזשײק: איהר שרעקט זיך אומזיסט. דער לאָיער האָט פֿאַר אײַך עפעס, אַ גוטע זאַך.
גימפעל בײניש: הוררעי! ענדליך איז דאָ אַ לאָיער װאָס װיל מיר עפעס גיבען.



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