Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker
(Gimpl Beynish der Shadkhn)
Yiddish Comics of the early 20th century

Translation and commentary by Jane Peppler
Click here to read about and order the seven Gimpel books I've published.

Comics read right to left. Click on any comic strip for larger view.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Raffle tickets were as popular then as the lottery is now. 3-7-1915

A lot of raffling happened in those days - the Warheit was often advertising raffles for good causes. I asked an otherwise smart friend once why he spent so much money on the lottery. He said, "Because it's the only way I could end up with as much money as I need."

March 7, 1915: He's bought an impressive bargain and now one has to await the results.
  1. GB: Who's the clown running after me?
  2. Jake: You're Gimpel Beynish? Yes? I have something for you.
  3. GB: What might that be? A bill from the butcher or an invitation to a wedding?
  4. Jake: No, I have raffle tickets for an automobile. Buy a half dozen.
  5. GB: I don't know if he's a bluffer or I'm a blockhead.

ער האַנדעלט אײַן אַ װאַזשנע מציאה און איצט דאַרף מען װאַרטען אױף רעזולטאַטען.

גימפּעל בײניש: װער איז דער לץ און װאָס לױפֿט ער מיך נאָך?
דזשײק: איהר זײַט גימפּעל בײניש? יאָ? האָב איך עפּעס פֿאַר אײַך.
גימפּעל בײניש: װאָס, אַ שטײגער האָסטו? אַ קװיטעל צום שוחט, אָדער אַ בילעט צו אַ חתונה?
דזשײק: נײן, נאָר ראַפֿעל-טיקעטס פֿאַר אַן אױטאָמאָביל. קױפֿט אַ האַלב דאָזען.
גימפּעל בײניש: איך װײס ניט צי איז ער אַ בלאָפֿער אָדער איך בין אַ שוטה.

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